KABAS was founded in 2018 because we were looking for a project in which we could combine our business sense and our passion for recruiting. We’d worked together for several years before and discovered we complemented each other perfectly. Of course, things didn’t always go as smoothly, but that’s what you get when you mix Flemish common sense with the bullheadedness of Brussels. Exchanging words is part of any good marriage, isn’t it? Our own exchanges eventually became a search for the highest common denominator between our own identity, the needs of our clients, and those of our candidates.
The core values we then formulated are meant as a reflection of our personality. We hope they form a clear picture of who we are, what KABAS stands for, and what we have to offer.
Kabas was born out of business sense and our passion for recruiting
Excellent service, that's what we stand for. KABAS is always there for its clients. Any client may be king, but a KABAS client is a king among kings
Modesty is in our nature. It doesn’t require any extra effort, and defines everything KABAS does. Because excess can be harmful. By respecting ourselves, our clients and our candidates, we aim to build trusting relationships that benefit everyone.
We can be proud of ourselves and of the way we help others. By securing a job or providing a solution to their problems. Pride in our work paves the way to quality and satisfaction.
Convinced of our approach?
KABAS Recruit bvba
Baanstknokstraat 23a,
8790 Waregem
KABAS Recruit bvba
Baanstknokstraat 23a,
8790 Waregem
2025 Kabas Recruit bvba | Algemene voorwaarden | website by Glow